There is quite a bit of excitement about that the upcoming Great American Solar Eclipse next week.  So much so that 2 local retirement communities reached out to me to come talk to their residents about the Solar Eclipse.  In both cases, the rooms were packed, easily 80 plus people at each venue.  Below is a link to PowerPoint presentation I spoke to during the talk on OneDrive; it may take a minute to two for the presentation to load:!AmmLfUXonTeah1dYvQnimEhF6UOc?e=zp1xjn

In addition to the presentations, I was interviewed by our local Univision channel.

#EclipseSolar2017 El lunes 21 de agosto estaremos en #CarolinadelSur para presenciar el eclipse solar total. Conectaremos en vivo desde ahí en varias ocasiones para mostrarles cómo transcurrirá el día ¡Les mantendremos informados! #noticias40 @noticias40

Posted by Belén Gómez-Jordana on Thursday, August 17, 2017